People say that sex education may create curiosity for the students about sex that gives them the idea to act it out. It persuades them to engage in sexual intercourse that leads to teenage pregnancy and sexual diseases. According to a survey conducted in the UK, released in 2004, promoting sex education has revealed highest rates of teenage pregnancy. It tells that providing condoms to young women encourages them to be more active in sexual activities. In line with this, official figures reveal that teenage pregnancies increased in Britain by an annual rate of 800 from 38, 439 in 2001 to 39, 286 in 2002.Also, according to a report in "Time" magazine (n.d), more than 27 percent of 15-year-old girls in the US have had sexual intercourse, with an increase from 19 percent on 1982. On the other hand, the current rate is more than one and three for the male 15-year-old. These statistics alarmed the parents that sex education may not guarantee reduced rates of sexual activities in young adults.
Also, sex education is said to be a discussion that could embarrass or excite the young students. They will see it as a recreational subject rather than a serious one. This can result in out of control act if the students start to laugh or make inappropriate comments about it.
Another reason why people are against sex education is that it brings up several controversies between the argument of whole abstinence and birth control methods. Certain cultural beliefs and religions may be against the teaching of sex to teenagers as it could be seen as sinful and uncivilized. One example of it is in certain third-world countries that are mostly Islamic in faith. This shows the argument from personal and religious opinions of people who may counter on how sex education classes should teach the children.
While some believe that sex education must not be taught in schools, majority of the population still want to implement the study about it. One major reason why is because it helps the young adults prevent themselves against early pregnancies and sexual diseases such as HIV and Aids. According to Masland (n.d), teenagers are becoming more sexually active in their early age. This can result in teenage pregnancy and abortion. In fact, in the United States, majority of the teenagers are already sexually active that the teenage pregnancy rate is doubled compared to other western countries, with 750, 000 teens becoming pregnant annually and youth under age 25 experience about 9.1 million sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This is because teenagers are not well-informed about sex and as they become curious, they just decide to try it themselves. Hence, sex education must be taught for them to have correct information about sex, unplanned pregnancies and STDs.
Another positive aspect of sex education is that it teaches about puberty and sexual maturity. It allows the young students to know and understand that they are not alone in the process of growing up and developing. Sex education will be their guide as they overcome their teenage years and will teach them what puberty and sexual maturity means for males and females.
Lastly, sex education can help to lessen the growth of population. Currently, the world population stands at more than 7 billion, which means that the world already has its red lined. With the implementation of sex education, people will know the importance of population. It is not simply about birth control, it is about knowing the responsibility of one when it comes to the topic about sexual interaction. In line with this, sex education can help the people know their limitations.
In summary, sex education should be taught in schools to help the young adults be on their right path. It is important for them to have knowledge about sex so that they will not lose their track upon experiencing the adulthood stage. In addition, with sex education, young adults will learn the truth of refraining and controlling themselves to avoid early pregnancies, unplanned overpopulation and STDs.
Masland, M. (n,d). Carnal knowledge: The sex ed debate. Retrieved:
2004. Teenage pregnancy rates. Retrieved:
Time Magazine (n.d) states that more than 27 percent of 15-year-old girls in the US have had sexual intercourse, an increase from 19 percent in 1982. For male 15-year-old, the current rate is more than 1 in 3. Retrieved:
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